APPI Conference

This year's conference explored how planning is evolving and will continue to evolve in the future and how to navigate the uncertainty. The outcomes of the conference included introducing participants to new and exciting ways that can help planners learn how to build future-ready communities, while  providing tangible and technical elements that can be utilized in our day-to-day lives. Professional planners and related professionals will present unique, creative and unconventional discussions on how we, together, can navigate an uncertain future. 

Sponsor Recognition!

Sponsorship Program | Alberta Professional Planners Institute (

APPI 2023 Conference Recordings Package

Unable to join us in person for the conference? 

A  majority of the conference recordings, excluding the Keynote presentation, are available for purchase by clicking here: APPI 2023 Conference Recordings Package | Alberta Professional Planners Institute (

The viewing link to the session recordings will be emailed to those who purchase the subscription, as soon as it is available, and those same recordings will be available for viewing until May 30, 2024. Viewing the recordings of the conference sessions are eligible to be logged as structured learning units for the purposes of mandatory Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) reporting. You can review the conference session descriptions here: APPI 2023 Conference Recordings Package | Alberta Professional Planners Institute (

Conference Program Available!



