All regulated APPI members (Registered Professional Planners and Candidate members, including Non-Practicing RPPs and Candidates) are required to report a minimum of 18 Learning Units (LUs) annually.
Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) units are reported via the CIP website, APPI portal.
Access to your APPI Member Profile and CPL reporting portal:
1. Click on the APPI logo on this page PTIA Member Login | CIP (
2. Once in your profile, click 'Record/View CPL Activities' in the side menu.
3. A minimum of 9.00 structured Learning Units (LUs) must be reported annually.
4. Unstructured LUs are limited to a maximum of 9.0 per year.
5. UPDATE: you are now able to enter unlimited structured LUs into the current cycle.
6. The carry over function has been upgraded and the system now will apply up to the maximum of 9.0 structured LUs reported in 2024.
The Continuous Professional Learning Guide provides information about the program.
Annual CPL Reporting Deadline is December 31st.
However, members are encouraged to acquire and report their CPL early and throughout the year.
Reporting Structured vs Unstructured Units
Structured Units include any structured interactive courses, meetings, seminars and workshops that are either provided by APPI, CIP and PTIAs, or by an external provider or group, which may or may not be recognized in advance by APPI.
Unstructured Units are activities that are completely independent in nature.
To be eligible for credit, both Structured and Unstructured Units must be educational and yield new knowledge for the individual member, apply to the practice of planning and be within the realm of the core competencies.
Core Competencies | Alberta Professional Planners Institute (
Annual CPL Reporting Requirements
This is a self-reporting system. The minimum requirements for (each) reporting period are as follows: using the guide of 1.0 hour of learning equals 1.0 LU.
Minimum Structured LUs: 9.0
Maximum Unstructured LUs: 9.0
TOTAL Minimum Required LUs: 18.0
CPL Reporting Special Considerations
If you have a life change or challenge that may prevent your ability to comply with the CPL program and would like to inquire about special consideration to reduce CPL reporting requirements, or if you require clarification about the CPL program, please contact the APPI office.
Members who are non-compliant with the established criteria of the CPL program at the end of the calendar year will be removed from the Register of Members in Good Standing – effective January 1st and will remain “not in good standing” until they complete the CPL reactivation process prior to June 30th. After June 30th , members who remain CPL non-compliant for the previous year’s CPL reporting year, are removed from the roster of APPI members and may not be reinstated.
Should one of those members wish to rejoin the Institute in the future, the member will not be reinstated and must re-apply as new members and recertify with the processes in place from the Professional Standards Board for the Planning Profession in Canada.